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Health Benefits

Health Benefits

IHSS Care Providers in Marin County have access to governmental subsidized medical and dental insurance benefits. Currently, approximately 200 benefits slots are funded for eligible IHSS Providers.

Once an IHSS Provider fulfills the eligibility requirements, an application for health and dental insurance may be submitted.

Eligibility Requirements for Provider Health Benefits

  1. A Provider must work a minimum of 85 hours per month for their IHSS Recipient(s).
  2. A minimum of 85 hours per month must be maintained for three (3) consecutive months to apply for benefits.
  3. If hours fall below the minimum 85 for three consecutive months, health benefits will be terminated and the Provider may reapply for benefits once their eligibility has been re-established.
  4. The Provider must track his or her own eligibility and may request an application packet once requirements have been met.

Insurance Costs

IHSS Providers pay a low monthly premium for Kaiser Medical and Delta Dental insurance. Currently, the Provider’s shared cost of the premium is $152.76 for Kaiser and $20.51 for Delta. These premiums are deducted once a month from the Provider’s earnings. If a Provider fails to submit a timesheet by the date needed to have the shared cost deducted from their paycheck, they are responsible to submit payment to the Public Authority to avoid termination.