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10 North San Pedro Rd, Suite 1016

San Rafael, CA 94903

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Care Recipients

Care Recipients

In-Home Support Care Recipients

Our goal is to empower IHSS Care Recipients to stay safely in their homes. If you are eligible for services, we can help match you with qualified Care Providers and also share other important resources that can help improve your quality of life.

If you are not yet authorized to receive IHSS benefits, please read about Eligibility, or call the IHSS Intake Hotline at (415) 473-4636.


5/7/2020: PA Marin in conjunction with the County’s Aging and Adult Services division is now offering On-Call Registry (OCR) services. OCR will serve IHSS recipients who need an emergent, temporary back-up provider when their regular provider unexpectedly does not arrive at their home for reasons that are beyond the recipient’s control. For more information about OCR, please contact us at (415) 499-1024.