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10 North San Pedro Rd, Suite 1016

San Rafael, CA 94903



  • We understand that these are difficult times for the population that we serve as well as for us in-home care providers. Remember that our work is considered “essential service”, which means that unless we are sick or with symptoms, we must show up to work. This also applies to providers over the age of 65 WHO ARE HEALTHY AND ARE NOT SHOWING ANY SIGNS OF ILLNESS. If your client is refusing services and you want to continue working, please call us at (415) 499-1024, or reply to this text message saying “I NEED HOURS” and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you very much for your hard work! Please, if you are sick, STAY HOME, SICK MEDICAL ATTENTION AND LET US KNOW.
  • ON-CALL REGISTRY PROVIDERS NEEDED! PA Marin is in the process of launching an On-Call, Emergency Registry. We are trying to locate RESPONSIBLE care providers who are in GOOD STANDING with the Public Authority and who have AVAILABILITY to be on call. We will offer a higher pay rate and a stipend. If you are interested, please call at (415) 499-1024 and we will get back to you soon. Thank you in advance!
  • IHSS providers, with the exception of spouse and parent providers, are eligible for unemployment. There’s info on the central COVID-19 website at Click on the box “Employment and Taxes”. See: What can I do if my work hours are reduced because of COVID-19? You can file an Unemployment Insurance claim.